Labe Arena - Račice
The area of the Elbe Arena in Račice near Štětí offers ideal conditions for sports relaxation.
Bistro U Sumce - sports and recreation area - Vědomice
The bistro is located on the Elbe Trail and is very close to the town of Roudnice nad Labem.
Golf Resort - Ústí nad Labem
Eighteen-hole golf course 94 km from Prague near the regional town of Ústí nad Labem on the border of the Central Bohemian Uplands and the Krušné Mountains.
Golf resort Kotlina – Terezín
Golf is fun and relaxation, challenge and suspense. Kotlina Golf Course offers sports opportunities for advanced and beginners.
Hotel Sport Lípa - Roudnice nad Labem
Sports complex with its own hotel accommodation and restaurant on the outskirts of Roudnice nad Labem.
JUMP Ústí - Ústí nad Labem
The largest jumping arena in the Czech Republic! The adrenaline course consists of more than 900 square meters of interconnected trampolines, adventures and attractions.
Lake Chmelař - Úštěk
Lake Chmelař is located in the Bohemian suburbs near the center of Úštěk in the district of Litoměřice and offers many choices.
Lake Milada – Chabařovice
The lake was created in a mining pit of a former lignite mine. It is located near Ústí nad Labem. The filling started in 2001 from the nearby Kateřina reservoir and its filling lasted until 2010.
Neobvykle architektonicky řešená jízdárna založená roku 1780 Josefem II. připravující expozici seznamující návštěvníky s užitím koní v době válečných tažení v dobách Marie Terezie.
An unusually architecturally designed riding hall founded in 1780 by Joseph II. preparing an exhibition introducing visitors to the use of horses during the war campaigns in the times of Maria Theresa.
Skatepark Štětí
Skatepark in a pleasant environment right next to the flowing Elbe River for small and large skateboarding fans.
Sport hotel and cycling camp BK Pod Lipou - Roudnice nad Labem
Accommodation in a pleasant environment by the Elbe River with a wide range of sports facilities.
WAKE & FUN – Třeboutice
In the town of Třeboutice near Litoměřice, you can use the WAKE & FUN sports facility and enjoy refreshments on the banks of the Elbe River.
Water slalom canal – Roudnice nad Labem
The slalom canal in Roudnice nad Labem dates all the way back to 60s