
Castle Krásné Březno - Ústí nad Labem

Heinrich of Bünau had a manor house built in Krásný Březno (on the site of the New Castle) before 1566. In 1597-1603 Rudolf of Bünau had a church built and about the same time he extended the one-tract house in the neighbourhood of the older mansion into the two-tract rectangular two-storey Old Castle.

The older building to the east of the Old Chateau was rebuilt in the spirit of the High Renaissance in the middle of the 17th century at the latest into the two-storey four-winged New Chateau with corner cylindrical towers. A part of the basement of the predecessor of the New Castle survives in the present building. Probably in connection with the High Baroque reconstruction of the New Castle, carried out under John Louis Richard of Cavriani by 1724, the garden was extended by a wide cornice with a geometric composition in a south-easterly direction (towards the river). A substantial part of the garden was lost when the railway was built in 1849. After the demolition of the farmyard with the brewery, the remaining part was converted into an English park (a surviving torso).

The chateau chapel became the parish church of St. Florian in 1897, the chateau was in the possession of the last owners of the estate until 1945 (Leo Skrbensky, son of Malvina Kolowrat-Krakowsky-Novohradsky).

Since the 1950s, both chateaux have served as the computer centre of the Czech Railways (the buildings were transferred to the National Heritage Institute in 2003). In 2011, the extensive renovation of the chateau as the headquarters of the territorial expert workplace of the National Heritage Institute for the Ústí nad Labem Region was completed.


Národní památkový ústav, územní odborné pracoviště v Ústí nad Labem
Podmokelská 1/38
400 07 Ústí nad Labem - Krásné Březno

Phone Contact
+420 472 704 800




