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Ferry Malé Žernoseky - Velké Žernoseky

The ferry is goes over Elbe between the villages of Velké and Malé Žernoseky, just above the valley called Porta Bohemica.

Schedual of operation

It operates only during the tourist season, usually from May to September. In May and June the ferry goes - only Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. During the holidays it goes daily.

It goes from 9:00 to 19:00.

It transports people and cyclists. The transport is provided by a small boat that can accommodate up to 20 people.

The ferry leaves every thirty minutes – at “o´clock and half past.” Current information and time schedule can be found on the website of the village Malé Žernoseky

Fare price list

  • 20, - CZK adults
  • 10, - CZK youth up to 18 years
  • 10, - CZK pensioners from 65 years
  • 5, - CZK bike, dog, stroller
  • 5, - CZK other large objects over 60 cm
  • children up to 6 years are free of charge.


Malé Žernoseky
Zahradní 245
410 02 Lovosice

Phone Contact
+420 416 539 012 (obec)
+420 739 734 582
+420 728 033 707






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