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Pivovar Millenium - Ústí nad Labem

Millenium Brewery is located in Ústí nad Labem in the Neštěmice district. Beer has been brewed here since 2016.

The brewery is constructed as a three-vessel brewhouse with electric heating for decoction or ifous brewing. The brewery is equipped with a PLC system for basic automated brewing and fermentation processes. The cellar is equipped with six cylindroconic tanks (CKT) for main fermentation and fermentation on which open fermentation can be simulated. We use a two-phase fermentation process in CKT, where the main fermentation takes place in one CKT tank with an open pressure valve, after fermentation and cooling the yeast is removed and the beer is transferred to a clean, frozen CKT tank where it finishes fermenting. Furthermore, the cellar is equipped with three pressurisation tanks (BBT) in which the beer is left to lagering for the final bottling.

Production of Millenium Brewery beers

Milláček is a bottom-fermented 12° Pilsner-type lager, which is brewed in a three-mutation process from four types of Haná malts. The beer is unfiltered and unpasteurised. Drsňák is a semi-dark bottom-fermented 12° lager of the Pilsner type. It is brewed in a two-four-mouth method from four types of Haná malts. The beer is unfiltered and unpasteurised. Another beer is Dešt'ovka. It is a bottom-fermented ten-step Pilsner-type beer brewed in a two-four-mouth method from two of the best quality Haná malts. It is hopped with the world-famous Žatec semi-fermented red and Sládek.


Pivovar Millenium
Sibiřská 55
Ústí nad Labem

Phone Contact
+420 606 645 203





