Říp Region Nostalgic Train criss-crosses the railroads of the Central Bohemian Uplands during the tourist season, and offers a variety of beautiful stops. An interesting part of the train’s route is a drive along the cancelled rail track (no other trains follow this track during the year). Along this abolished track’s stops, you can find information boards with the history of the track and nearby municipalities.
This special train line starts in Roudnice nad Labem and runs through Kleneč, Vražkov, Budyně nad Ohří to Libochovice. Along the track, you can visit a lot of historical, cultural and natural sights. From Vražkov, it is possible to climb the legendary Říp mountain. In Budyně nad Ohří, you can see the water castle or follow the educational trail Malá Ohře – it will teach you about natural beauties, the history and the presence of Budyně region. In Libochovice, there is one of the most beautiful chateaus in the Ústí and Labem district.
KŽC Doprava, s.r.o.
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