The location of the castle was not chosen at random, it was a strategically very convenient location, with the possibility of controlling the waterway, crossing the river Elbe and around the ongoing long-distance trade connection, the so-called Lužická Road. The Romanesque castle was probably not built on an empty hill, but most likely a fort of the Přemyslovci dynasty has stood here since the 10th century.
From the original Romanesque castle, under the north-western terrace of the chateau, the perimeter masonry reinforced with several towers and a large ground-floor, partly basement, hall, located roughly at the level of today's courtyard, have been preserved to this day. This two-hull hall was enclosed by ten fields of cross vaults glazed on middle pillars. The palace also includes a small chapel, located in one of the towers. Thanks to the preserved plans from the 16th century, it is known that the palace continued further east and was topped by a massive round tower. However, it is not clear whether it was created at the same time as the palace or if it is younger. Likewise, nothing is known about other possible buildings of the castle or the way of its fortification. Even from these remains, it is clear that it was a remarkable building, worthy of its builders - the Prague bishops, to whom Roudnice belonged at the time. However, we are not yet able to clearly determine which of them was the founder of the castle. Usually, two candidates are mentioned who belonged to the most important bishops of Prague in general: Daniel (1148-1167) and Jindřich Břetislav (1182-1197).
The castle was the favorite seat of most of Prague's bishops and later also of archbishops. Jan Hus was also to be ordained a priest here. Although the castle survived the Hussite wars during its siege by Táboryté and Syrotci in 1425 and the people of Prague did not succeed in 1428, the economic consequences of the wars forced Archbishop Konrád of Vechta to sell the Roudnice estate. Jan Smiřický was the first of a long line of secular lords who later rebuilt, epanded and modified the castle.
Informační a dopravní centrum Podřipska
Arnoštova 88
Roudnice nad Labem