
Velké Žernoseky – port

The fifth stop of the Litoměřice Wine Trail is the Velké Žernoseky port.

This place is an important tourist point. On one hand, it is a place through which the backbone cycle route passes - the so-called Elbe Trail. Secondly, it is a place where it is possible to board tourist boat lines (for example the ship Marie) and get to know the picturesque surroundings (vineyards in the first place) from the deck of the ship. And last but not least, this place is important in terms of connecting two important wine-growing villages - Velké and Malé Žernoseky - by ferry. We will also use this connection to continue along the Litoměřice wine trail.

Now, looking at the surroundings, you can see the extensive terraces of local vineyards and the beginning of the Elbe valley, which is referred to as Porta Bohemica. The Malá Vendule and Velká Vendule vineyards can be seen in the direction of the Elbe. On the left bank of the Elbe are visible vineyards of the St. Tomas winery, to whom our journey continues to and we will devote ourselves to them at the next stop of this wine trail. It is interesting that the vineyards in Žernoseky are among the northernmost vineyards in the Czech Republic.

The vineyards in the area of Velké Žernoseky stretch over more than 100 ha. Their location is unique due to the steep slopes. The altitude of the vineyards ranges from 145 to 279 meters above sea level. Relatively large elevations and steep slopes prevent large mechanization, so most work is done by hand. The uniqueness of local wines is also due to the favorable microclimate, which is dry and warm. Thanks to their location, the vineyards are protected from cold winds and the water level of Elbe also has an effect on the microclimate. When the specific soil composition is added to these factors, some of the most unique wines can be produced here.

About 80% of the wine grown in Velké Žernoseky are white varieties. The main white varieties include Riesling with its more pronounced acidity and inimitable bouquet. Other local white varieties are Traminer Red, Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc, Müller Thurgau and Moravian Muscat. The remaining 20 % are blue varieties, mainly Svatovavřinecké and Modrý Portugal.

Elbe trail

Cycle route No. 2 or the Elbe Trail is the backbone cycle route and connects such cities in the Ústí nad Labem Region as Štětí, Roudnice nad Labem, Litoměřice, Ústí nad Labem and Děčín. Its total length in the region is 90 km and in terms of travel it really has something to offer. While wandering this trail, we can see natural beauty and historical monuments. Directly on the Elbe Trail or in the immediate vicinity, it is possible to visit, for example, Říp Mountain, the chateau in Roudnice nad Labem, the Small Fortress and the Terezín Memorial, the historical center of Litoměřice, Střekov Castle or Děčín Chateau. The zoos in Ústí nad Labem - Krásný Březno and in Děčín on Pastýřská stěna are a great attraction for children.


Now we have to travel across the river Elbe and continue on to Malé Žernoseky, where we will see the vineyards and winery of St. Tomas.

If you have just arrived from Malé Žernoseky, please continue to the village square of Velké Žernoseky, where you will learn more about local winemakers and if you are just a little lucky, maybe you can taste some of the local excellent wines.

Tips for tourist destinations in the area


Water tourism on the Elbe
