Zubrnice Museum Track is a tourist railroad that starts in Ústí nad Labem (Střekov Railway Station) and runs through Svádov, Valtířov, Velké Březno, Malé Březno and Leština up to Zubrnice.
The train is usually pulled by the historical engine M131.1 from 1951. Along the track, there is a lot of interesting tourist destinations. For example, the Museum of Czechoslovak Fortification in Valtířov, Velké Březno Chateau, Březňák Brewery in Velké Březno, and the steam water reservoir at Střekov.
In Zubrnice, you can visit a Railway Museum right at the railway station and an open-air museum in the village. From Zubrnice, you can follow several marked tourist trails, for example to the Buková Mountain with its TV transmitter.
Zubrnická museální železnice
Děčínská 107
Velké Březno
Phone Contact
+420 725 099 546
+420 725 029 964