Mount Milešovka with 837 m attracts with its massive asymmetrical cone from a nepheline-sodalite trachyte, which was tectonically elevated and from Cretaceous rocks, it is not for nothing that it is called the "Queen of the Central Bohemian Uplands". On steep slopes with a slope of 20 – 40° there are unique rocks, frost log cabins and slopes with plate-like rock separation. The mountain is mostly covered with mixed deciduous forest; the top spruces are dead due to emissions. At the top of the hill lies a meteorological observatory of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the ASCR and a tourist cottage. A cargo cable car leads to the top along the northern slope, which also helped in the construction of the observatory itself. Climatic characteristics of the peak: average annual temperature 5.1 °C, absolute maximum 34.7 °C, absolute minimum -28.3 °C, average annual total precipitation (1905 - 1975) 564 mm, average number of snow days is 111. In 1820 a simple inn was established at the top of Milešovka and five years later the first hostel. The top of Milešovka served as an important trigonometric point. The Milešovka Observatory is included in the international synoptic and aeronautical network of meteorological stations and the World Meteorological Organization has also included it in the world network of reference climate stations. In 1881, an association for the protection and accessibility of the beauties of the Central Bohemian Uplands was founded in Lovosice, the result of which was the completion of the project of Ing. Zenker (road to Milešovka: width 1.5 - 2 m, largest climb 1: 6 - allowed easy ascent). The roead was named the "Trail of Emperor Francis Joseph I" in honor of the 40th anniversary of his reign. Alexander von Humboldt visited Milešovka. He described its view as the third most beautiful in the world. On the eastern edge of the top plateau there is a two-storey restaurant owned by the Army of the Czech Republic. There is also a non-profit company Milešovka, which aims to implement the project of revitalization and rehabilitation of the top of Milešovka.
In 1951, the Milešovka National Nature Reserve was declared on the territory of Milešovka. Virtually the entire territory of the reserve is covered by forest, therefore the reason for protection is forest communities on the slopes of the hill and plant communities of rocks and rubble biotope. One of the attractions is the wall of Výří skály, about thirty meters long, merging into a large area of stony rubble. In more sunny places you can find some of the specially protected species, such as leafless iris or golden-headed lily, on stone rubble below the top of the rock fern, you can see the rock iris, and bear midicinate, salamander. Now as for the birds: bullfinch, black woodpecker and great eagle owl, from mammals dormouse and hazel grouse and others.
Milešov Chateau, standing on a high rocky ridge, is a unique feature of the basin between Milešovka, Milešovský Kloc, Lhota and Ostrý. Its enclosed complex of buildings consists of two structurally different parts: a tract shaped into the letter "L", created in the first stage of the reconstruction of the former castle and the adjacent early Baroque four-winged castle, designed on a closed base. In 1661, Kašpar Kaplíř from Sulevice became the heir of Milešov. He was the first nobleman of northern Bohemia to build a luyurious residence, in which he placed art collections. Milešov Chateau is the last part of the first creative period of the Italian builder Antonia Porta. The chateau building has been used as a treatment center for the long-term sick in the last few decades. Adjacent to it is a park, which is divided by a local road into a French garden and a more distant English landscape park with rare tree species.
Velemín - místní část Milešov
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