A journey through the flavours and scents of the Bohemian Central Highlands
Explore local gastronomy directly with the producers themselves and taste the Bohemian Central Highlands with all your senses.
The local countryside offers not only a variety of hiking trails and sightseeing trips, but also the experience of visiting local producers and producers.
What does traditional craftsmanship look like, how are handmade products made, what does local food taste and smell like?
You will learn all this on the culinary Journey of Tastes and Flavours of the Czech Central Highlands.
Head to the workshops and shops of regional producers. Most of them are just a knock away, some are better to call ahead. Experience the local atmosphere for yourself!
1. PART OF THE ROAD (Litoměřicko)
2. PART OF THE ROAD (Vernericko, Úštěcko)
3. PART OF THE ROAD (Moravany, Klapý, Roudnice nad Labem)
Long lasting meat products Chovaneček – Litoměřice
Offer long lasting meat products of domestic production.
Chovaneček Ltd. is a family company with a long tradition in the production of sausage specialties. Their advantage is the constant work on the development of sausage products. They try to ensure that their products always have some benefits. The quality and craftsmanship of their sausage products is always a certainty, and the advantage is the taste or shape differences.
Certified long lasting meat products include the prosciutto group and the fermented product group
Loin, Braid, Monastery Ham, Tenderloin, Bresaola, Duck Breast, Archive Bacon, Coppa and Lamb Pouch
Fermented products
Ostrich neck sausage, Lamb sausage, Novobranské beads, Čardáš sausage, Babinský viržínko, Deer horseshoe, Varhošť, Original “Lovečák” and “Divočák” salami
At the same time, they hold the brand for "Lamb meat".
Chovaneček s.r.o.
Novobranská 87/14
412 01 Litoměřice
Phone Contact
+420 776 865 011