A journey through the flavours and scents of the Bohemian Central Highlands
Explore local gastronomy directly with the producers themselves and taste the Bohemian Central Highlands with all your senses.
The local countryside offers not only a variety of hiking trails and sightseeing trips, but also the experience of visiting local producers and producers.
What does traditional craftsmanship look like, how are handmade products made, what does local food taste and smell like?
You will learn all this on the culinary Journey of Tastes and Flavours of the Czech Central Highlands.
Head to the workshops and shops of regional producers. Most of them are just a knock away, some are better to call ahead. Experience the local atmosphere for yourself!
1. PART OF THE ROAD (Litoměřicko)
2. PART OF THE ROAD (Vernericko, Úštěcko)
3. PART OF THE ROAD (Moravany, Klapý, Roudnice nad Labem)

Organic winery Charlie-Vinum Celebratum - Lovosice
Growing and selling organic Grinor wines.
Grinor is a so-called craft wine. This organic wine is a cuvée (mixture) of Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir. It is a completely organic wine, produced without the use of any chemistry, only with the necessary minimum of sulfur dioxide added to stabilize the wine. Wine is produced and the vineyard is managed according to the Charter of Authors.
Not only Grinor, but also other excellent wines are made from the vineyards of Vinum Celebratum.
Naturální nanovinařství Charlie-VinumCelebratum
Lovošská E129
Phone Contact
+420 775 517 122