
Boat Ústí nad Labem - Litoměřice - Roudnice nad Labem - tourist boat line T91

Boat transport in the section Ústí nad Labem - Litoměřice - Roudnice nad Labem - tourist boat line 901 during the season.

Boat transportation T92 Ústí nad Labem - Děčín - Hřensko - tourist boat line

Boat transportation of the tourist line T92 in the section Ústí nad Labem - Děčín - Dolní Žleb - Hřensko and back.

Cable car in Větruš - Ústí nad Labem

The cable car in Větruš connects the Forum shopping center and the beautiful Větruše castle.

Cycle bus - Decin

Offer of transport for cyclists from the Děčín region on the Elbe and Vltava Trail in the Prague-Dresden section.

Ferry Církvice - Dolní Zálezly

The ferry transports tourists and cyclists over the river Elbe

Ferry Dolní Žleb

The ferry in Dolní Žleb is the northernmost and lowest ferry in the Czech Republic. It connects the most remote part of Děčín with the right bank and is widely used not only by locals but also by tourists. The western wharf is near the Dolní Žleb railway station, the eastern wharf by the road between Hřensko and Děčín.

Ferry Lovosice – Píšťany

The ferry connects the town of Lovosice with the village of Píšťany. The ferry can also be used as a transport to Lake Píšťanský.

Ferry Malé Žernoseky - Velké Žernoseky

The ferry is goes over Elbe between the villages of Velké and Malé Žernoseky, just above the valley called Porta Bohemica.

Ferry Nučničky – Nučnice

The ferry transports people, cyclists and strollers on the river Elbe. The ferry operates from April to the end of October.

Ferry Velké Březno – Povrly

Ferry is used to transport people, bicycles, cars, trucks and tractors.

Říp Region Nostalgic Train

Říp region Nostalgic Train wanders on the rails of Central Bohemian Uplands on offers number of beautiful stops.

Ship Marie - Ústí nad Labem

The Marie liner service operates from June to September on the route Ústí nad Labem - Vaňov, camp Brná, Dolní Zálezly, Církvice, Libochovany, Velké Žernoseky, Píšt'any and back.

Stellplatz Velemín

Parking for motorhomes in the heart of the Bohemian Central Highlands.

T4 - Oparensky express

Tourist line T4 runs from Litoměřice through Žalhostice and Lovosice to the picturesque Oparenský valley and further to Chotiměři.

U10 The railway of Plums

The railway line dates back to the end of the 19th century and extends along the southern foot of the Milešovské Central Uplands.

U7 Cycle train along the Elbe

On the route Ústí nad Labem Střekov - Velké Březno - Děčín you can use a special bicycle train along the Elbe.

Zubrnice Museum Track (T3)

Tourist line T3 of The Museum of the Zubrnice Railway runs on the route: Ústí nad Labem - Velké Březno - Zubrnice always in the tourist season during weekends and holidays.